Symmetrics Logo

Honest Analytics for all

Employer Submitted and Verified Data


Symmetrics is a unique data platform, that helps candidates, recruiters and employers with analytics that are honest, transparent and actionable

Fair Wages

Symmetrics analyzed wage data since 2001 across 300 dimensions. By providing you base wage metrics across years, states, cities, employers, job titles and other dimensions, we put you in the driver seat.

Great Resignation

Symmetrics provides state-wide, city-wide, job title & employer based wage/approval KPIs, so that you can make risk mitigated decisions while optimizing on wage goals.


Symmetrics provides job popularity, location popularity and employers that hire jobs and their locations. You can prepare your target list and we help you reach out to the list

Tools and Technologies

Symmetrics provides data on the most popular skills and helps you make career choices. Our recruiter network will guide you with courses, and help you get hired once you are equipped with the skills.

Vendor Network

For Recruiters/Staffers, Symmetrics provides all the vendor network for an end client, thereby providing your Sales Leads

Benchmark Wages

Symmetrics platform provides regression analysis of all bechmarked wages since 2001. This helps your clients get a headstart, plan budgets talent availability vs. cost etc.

Competitor Intel

Know what your competitors are paying by job title, state, city etc. Advise your clients on their competitor metrics and win more clients

Immigration Support

Provide immigration support to your employer and candidate clientbase. Rank Law Firms on their past success metrics. Ultimately enhances loyalty with high-skilled immigration

As an employer of high skilled workers, how can I subscribe to Symmetrics data?

Higly skilled employee base is a competitive advantage! By leveraging our metrics and trends, you can get ahead of your competitors. Many of our B2B clients are able to make decisions on their next office location (virtual or physical), budget allocation, and bechmarking wages

Jim James

Symmetrics platform helped many of our clients (candidates) confidently move to their next job with a fairly negotiated wage. Long term loyalty is built with the employer and job seeker

Amanda - Recruiter at a top Staffing Company

Jim James

Symmetrics platform is a rare gem in the HR Tech Space. Grab your FREE account now. Helped us save thousands of dollars, and get information at speed, above all trustworthy data that helped us scale the organization

Jerry - CEO of Startup in California

Subscribe to Symmetrics today