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  • We do NOT use end-user submitted data (a review of our competitors showed they use some form of user-submitted and non-verified data).
  • Why? End-user-submitted data is NOT necessarily verified data, and hence stats drawn on top of inaccurate data are by definition inaccurate.
  • Even if some of our competitors claim they VERIFY user-submitted data, our review showed that - at best - they only verify partial records, eroding confidence in the data. (Consider that we do not know what percentage of the data points ARE verified and what are NOT, casting doubt on the veracity of the data and the metrics derived on top of it).
  • Symmetrics data is fully authentic and in official records, so there are zero chances of casting doubt on the quality of the data.

Public Disclosure

  • We use public disclosure data for high skilled programs and other work visas (and enhance it with our meta data).
  • Based on PEW Research Center report published in 2020*: the data includes 18-20% of all salaries reported for highly skilled workers in the United States. Using that information and correlating the same with our database of 10 million+ data points, there are ~11.7 million high skilled workers at the end of 2022.
  • Reviewing our competitors’ sample sets, we find analytics run on their data sets are inadequate at best, and misleading or manipulative at worst.
  • From a legal standpoint, the argument could be made that reliance on these data sets is the responsibility of the end-user, but at Symmetrics, we believe our data is statistically significant.
  • We won’t release analytics unless it models the real world and helps the end-user in a fair negotiation (i.e. the data is employer-submitted and government-verified).

Quality Data

  • We took extensive care to clean and organize the data.
  • The DWH (data warehouse) for Symmetrics is based on modern tech stacks that are designed to handle big-data workloads (because our data is very big, and we did NOT cut corners to give you sample data).
  • Symmetrics uses only CLEANED DATA for querying and analysis, hence our analytics is more trustworthy and reliable than any other source on the internet providing such metrics.

How accurate is the data ?

  • Our data is from the horse’s mouth (i.e. public disclosure information released by USCIS/DHS under the FOIA act.
  • Our insights are powered by ~10 million+ de-duped (non duplicated) data points and by far the only portal on the internet that does so .
  • In contrast, consider our competitors that provide sample data and at best dump tables, then expect readers to figure out the accuracy of the insights drawn.
  • We took extra care to clean up the data, make meaningful inferences (interpolation and extrapolation) using industry-standard data warehouse, database, and data science best practices in the big data domain, then we tested the accuracy of data after building the Symmetrics Platform and ensure it met our quality standards before releasing it to the world.
  • Below are some of our high level strengths that none of the competitors achieved till date.

Symmetrics vs. Competitors

* Source: Pew Center Research study of O*Net (Version 23) and 2018 US Population Survey (IPUMS).

* ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts.